Intro Part 3: Card Packs


Hey gamers?  This is my 3rd post in this introduction series for our upcoming game, Animon Arena.  In this post I’m going to talk to you about card packs.  If you missed the first 2 posts, check them out here: 

What are Card Packs?

Card packs contain cards.  The cards can be Animon, gold or diamonds.  There are 3 scenarios where a player can receive a card pack:

  1. When a player wins a battle they will receive one of the standard card packs –  We currently have 3:
    • Wooden, Stone and Royal
  2. When a player earns enough stars they will receive a Star Pack
  3. A player can receive free card packs throughout the day

The rewards for each card pack will vary by pack type and arena.  The better the card pack, the better the rewards.  The higher the arena, the better the rewards.

Here’s a simple video of opening a card pack:

Types of card packs:

We currently have 4 different card packs.  The primary difference between the card packs is the amount and quantity of the rewards given for each pack, and how long each pack takes to unlock.

  • Wooden Pack

Wooden packs are the most basic packs.  Wooden packs are awarded after winning a battle, and they are rewarded as free packs periodically throughout the day.

  • Stone Pack

Stone packs are better than wooden packs.  Stone packs are awarded after winning a battle.

  • Royal Pack

Royal packs are the best packs in Animon Arena.  Royal packs are awarded after winning a battle.

  • Star Pack

Star packs are awarded after the player receives a set number of stars.  Stars are awarded during the battle.  Currently stars are awarded proportional to the health of the player when the battle is finished.  We expect to change this to a different system during beta.

During beta we plan to update the star system to associate stars with animon.  A player will receive up to 5 stars during a battle, depending on how many opposing animon they defeat/kill.  For instance, if the opponent has 5 animon on their team, then each animon will be worth 1 star.  This new system will allow both winners and losers to acquire stars.  Currently, only the winner can receive stars.

Pack Slots

Each player has 3 card pack slots.  If all 3 slots are filled, no additional card packs will be rewarded.

Unlocking & Opening Packs

A player must tap a card pack to begin/activate the unlock process.  After the card pack is activated, a timer will begin counting down.  Timers vary in length depending on the type of card pack being unlocked.

Once the timer is finished, the card pack will be unlocked.  If a card pack is unlocked, the player can tap the card pack and it will open.  A player can choose to open a card pack immediately by using diamonds.

That’s it for today’s post on card packs.  We are very close to releasing the first public beta of Animon Arena, and we can’t wait for you to check it out!


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